I know you are all probably sick of new year posts by now but I really felt like I needed to write my thoughts and feelings down in a post for you all to read and as a new year has started with all new opportunities (cliché I know) I thought now was better than any other time to have a chatter. So if you are interested in a chatty post then grab a cuppa and get comfy!
My blog has been out of action for a while.. as you may have noticed and I thought I would explain why and give you a little insight into my life in recent months. I love fashion and I love writing! I studied English language at A level and since then have always loved any outlet to write my musings. Over a year ago I started my blog after very little research and thought. I just loved the blogs I followed and loved the way a blog was a platform to display as little or as much of your life as you wanted to as many people as possible. I felt truly inspired when reading blog posts and after stumbling upon 'blogger' I started a blog there and then. As I've said I love fashion and am definitely a self-confessed shopaholic so I thought a blog was an amazing way to show my personal style to the world whilst yabbering on to my hearts content.
Blogging is really fun and really inspiring but let me tell you it is not a walk in the park. After over a year of blogging I am nowhere near where I want to be.. I definitely do not have the amount of followers I would like and am not even close to being happy with the visual appearance of my page. And this led to me feeling very disheartened. So this is why my blog has kind of come to a stand still in recent months. I lost my love for blogging because if I'm honest, I put so much effort in but saw little recognition in return and I compared myself to others which is always a bad idea.. in blogging and in life (seriously!).
So yeah.. I kind of gave up last year. I was at a stage in life where everything was uncertain; I had just finished uni and had no idea where I was going career-wise, my friendships were unsteady and everything seemed a bit difficult. But after giving myself some time to breath I have refocused and realised that it is okay to be unsure but that giving up gets you nowhere. With the things such as my career and people being mean.. these are things which may be out of my control at the moment.. But blogging is very much within my control and therefore I have decided to come back to blogging but am going to mix it up a bit and post things I love and hope that you guys love too!
From now on I plan to post twice a week; Chatty Tuesdays and then one other day (not sure what days yet). Chatty Tuesdays is something I want to do which will allow me to write more personally like this post. I want to cover topics which I am enthusiastic about such as university stress, anxiety, travel and anything else I feel I want to share with you! Then on the other day I want to continue to share my love of fashion and beauty and share my ootds.
So I think that's all for today. I hope you don't mind me chatting on, but I hope you enjoyed reading and getting to know me a little bit better! Please let me know what you think about my new ideas for the blog!
Thank you to those who have continued to read my blog and welcome to any new readers!
Lots of Love,
Jade xx
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